About us

We are here to help you Elevate your career

We understand that studying abroad is not just about academic pursuits; it’s a life-changing experience that opens doors to personal growth, global perspectives, and exciting opportunities.

- Lalita Datar, Founder

Genius Creation We have a dynamic, passionate and talented team to ensure your learning and development needs are met Apart from being specialists in their
field, a prerequisite for the Genius team is enthusiasm, creativity and energy – with these they bring a zing to every workshop they deliver.

Their passion is contagious and delegates leave their courses motivated,inspired and highly charged for success. In a competitive business environment,
people are the key differentiator. We provide innovative learning solutions that allow individuals and organisations to continually change, grow and optimise
their potential.

With help of these tools, students perform the test. Their career interests, career choices, skills learnt
from their surroundings or we can say social and physical circumstances and skills gained from their family, through such different forms we do career

Which are your favorite fields?
Which subjects should you choose? 
Which skills do you need to be gained?
How and where? We give such entire 
scientific guidance to them

In Genius Creation, we use Psychometric tools


We strives to make the study abroad process accessible to students from diverse backgrounds, with expert counselors guiding & supporting students at every step.​


We take the time to know each student's aspirations & preferences, providing personalized recommendations to ensure the best possible study abroad experience.


We're dedicated to creating an environment that nurtures students' holistic development, helping them become global citizens with a broader perspective.


We offer services from career counseling, course & institution selection, exam preparation, visa & accommodation support, till arrival with our constant support.

Our vision is to be the most creative “People” Organization. We envision creating enlightened individuals by providing an enriching experience at each touch point.
Is to enable enormity in people, professionals and organizations to continuously go to the next level of productivity and realize their full potential by overcoming self limiting paradigms and improving self confidence.
We develop customized training content or enhance your existing training programs to help you achieve your specific learning objectives. Our modules are comprehensive and can be tailored to your requirements. Program content is supported by building an experiential methodology through which we ensure that the training not only delivers key concepts, but also increases participant involvement and learner retention dramatically.

More than just a joyful place

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Hello 👋. Welcome to Genius Creation Study Abroad Program. I am Lalita Datar, your study abroad coach. Thanks for choosing us.
How can I help you?